My Creative Process

by | Apr 26, 2023

dog stepping stones
Questions, Connection, and Craftsmanship

Every mosaic I create is more than just an artwork; it’s a heartfelt connection between me and your beloved pet. Those who have commissioned a mosaic from me know that questions are an integral part of my creative process. These questions serve a deeper purpose – they help me understand your pet’s essence, their temperament, and their unique personality. This understanding is what allows me to craft mosaics that go beyond mere physical likeness; they encapsulate the very spirit of your furry or feathered family member.

Why do I Care?

You might wonder why I’m so invested in these questions. Well, it’s because I believe that when I’m working on a mosaic, I’m not just piecing together glass shards; I’m immortalizing a cherished companion. Using their name as I work is my way of paying them tribute, as I whisper, “Whisker’s eyes are bright and curious,” or think to myself, “Max’s eyes are cloudy but wise.” It might sound whimsical, but this approach breathes life into the mosaic, infusing it with the pet’s very soul as I painstakingly bring it to life.

Beyond a Physical Likeness

But my conversations with clients often extend far beyond the pet’s physical attributes. They evolve into heartfelt exchanges where clients share stories about their furry or feathered family members. Take, for instance, a client who approached me for a portrait of her 30-year-old African Grey parrot who had recently died. We spent a considerable amount of time on the phone, during which she poured her heart out about the life and connection she shared with her bird.

Listening to her was an honor, and it significantly enriched the final mosaic. I channeled the love and emotion she expressed into every piece of glass, creating a mosaic that wasn’t just a visual representation but a tangible testament to their deep bond.

Grateful Clients

The beauty of these interactions is that they lead to heartfelt connections, leaving clients with cherished mementos that transcend artistry. The client who shared her parrot’s story expressed her gratitude in a touching review:

“We found Down to Earth Mosaics online shortly after our African Grey Admiral passed away. He was the sweetest, most loving family member for almost 30 years. He was kind, funny, a great talker, and his passing has left a hole in our lives. The stepping stone Alicia created for us is so amazing in how it captures the spirit of Addy; we are planning to use it as the centerpiece of a small memorial grave marker. Amazing craftsmanship, a real treasure. We are going to order a portrait of our 45-year-old Lilac-Crowned Amazon soon. Thank you!!”

So, yes, I ask a lot of questions. I want to know more about your pet because, to me, creating a mosaic isn’t just about the physical appearance; it’s about celebrating the unique spark, the boundless love, and the profound connections our beloved companions bring into our lives.

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